
My name is no-one special, and I live in a cottage in the woods... 

About the blog...

This blog is a diary of all the books I have read and enjoyed. The reviews are my personal opinions and thoughts only. I enjoy, what I think, is a varied mix of genres of books - although I do tend to go through phases of obsession with one particular genre or author, for which I make no apologies!

There are Amazon affiliate links on this blog, although I hope they are not too blatant or distracting. This is (perhaps) to fund my book buying habit, maybe if I make enough I can move to a custom domain too, and also so I can use pictures of book covers, etc without having to worry about copyright infringement. Also, if some authors get one or two sales off my reviews, then everyone's a winner!

About me...

Well, I live in the UK. I love music, cinema, sixties stuff and animals and lots of other stuff. My favourite bands include The Beatles, Kula Shaker, The Rolling Stones, The Who, Oasis and lots of others. I have a BA degree in Film Studies from The University Of Wales. And I have a cat called Harry. I am also an aspiring author - although I think that could perhaps apply to 90% of the general public! I write original fiction of various genres (mostly chick lit-ish drama with degrees of thrillers and attempts at comedy - not as odd as it sounds, honest!), screenplays and scripts and (ahem) Beatles Fan Fiction. Published credits are minimal although I haven't really tried that hard - I am in the Rooftop Session Beatles Fan Fiction Digest (volume 4), I have a lot of stuff published on the internet (perhaps one day I will link some!) and various scripts I have written have been made into independent films or idents.

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